LaZomba`s Blog

from LaZomba at 18. September 2024 19:11 o`clock  ·  Comments: 0
I was going to the high computer literacy class
A class that I despise
A class that I dread
I go and sit but .....
It was the last time I sit for all of eternity
As I sit out taking a breath
I don't feel my heart beat
I was sitting lifeless in my chair
Some of the students noticed that I was not doing
The teacher was calling 911 as he noticed that I was not breathing as I just sit there limp
It feels like I was locked in my dead body, my soul that was!
I cannot enter the spirit world and as I try to enter. The realm
I am just at the borderlands
I wish I could move but I could not
Soon they realized what I already know
That I was dead and in limbo! As they realized this they call
The medical examiner instead
Because I ain't breathing
Then I was taking to the morgue
As the drive I scream
"It's the fucking classes that caused my death
The fucking stress and boredom
The fact that I was deciding to break free!"
But what the does the driver say nothing as I try to be heard!
I am processed and borough in for au...